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What about the Bronze Age in Flanders ? an overview of convergences and divergences with England and Northern France

by Jean Bourgeois, Professor of Archaeology, University of Ghent, Belguim.
Oct 08, 2013 from 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM (Europe/Paris / UTC200)
The Discovery Centre, Market Square, Dover, Kent CT16 1PB
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Conférence_Douvre_octobre_2013England, France and Flanders; sometimes so close and similar, and yet sometimes so distant and different. The exhibition ‘Beyond the Horizon’ focuses on the similarities that are certainly present between both sides of the Channel and the North Sea. It is even possible to observe that at a certain moment in the Bronze Age there was such a striking similarity that one can speak about a single cultural group; the 'Manche-Mer du Nord' group. However, in Flanders, differences also appear, showing that this part of the coast had relations with other parts of Europe, more to the north and the centre of the continent.

Recent research in Flanders over the last two or three decades has revealed a lot of new sites and data about the Bronze Age, mainly thanks to aerial photography and to large scale excavations. This lecture will seek to put forward an overview of these new results. For example, it will show how closely similar the burial practices of the Bronze Age can be on both sides of the Channel, but will also reveal some differences, stressing the fact that each area has also its own characteristics, its own identity. The same goes for settlements and buildings, where similarities with the Netherlands are obvious and certainly more evident than the similarities with England or Northern France.

Building up a general overview of the Bronze Age archaeology of Flanders, this lecture will seek to find a balance between stressing common identity and revealing mutual differences.



Par-delà l'horizon, l'exposition archéologique multisensorielle, grand public et familiale...

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