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Throwaway bronze ? The curios practice of Bronze Age "hoards"

by Anne Lehoërff, Professor of Protohistory, University of Lille 3. France.
01/11/2013 de 19:00 à 20:30 (Europe/Paris / UTC100)
Og46 - Michael Berry Lecture Theatre, Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road Campus, Old Sessions House, Longport, Canterbury
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Conférence_Douvre_novembre_2013At the start of the Bronze Age in around 2,200 BC, bronze metallurgy (an alloy of copper and tin) appeared in Europe. Along with the emergence of highly technical craftsmanship, a wide variety of objects were made over thousands of kilometres. Archaeologists are beginning to understand with some precision the methods of making these objects from all walks of life, from the everyday to the exceptional. At the same time, over and above traces of the manufacturing process, it is finished objects that are most often found. Furthermore, these objects are deposited in specific contexts; in burials and in ‘hoards’ rather than being recycled as this material allows. If assemblages of finds from funerary contexts are commonplace in other cultures, the deliberate abandonment of complete or broken objects is a unique attribute of societies in the European Bronze Age. These hoards, identified since the birth of archaeology in the 19th century, have fuelled much debate. This presentation, illustrated by the famous hoards of Europe and of England, will set out an overview of the theories put forward over nearly two centuries and thereby approach a new perspective on the oral societies of the past some 3–4,000 years ago.



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